Monday, February 01, 2016

Troubling the Academic Thesis

You are invited to engage in a public seminar with 
Dr Chris Dooks (UK) and Dr Nick Sousanis (USA), who along with others will trouble the notion of the academic thesis and consider its alternative.
The primacy of words over images and sounds has deep roots in Western culture. But what if the three are inextricably linked, equal partners in meaning-making? Chris and Nick and others will trouble this question in relation to the doctoral thesis. 
Chris just completed his PhD at the University of the West of Scotland using a mixture of audio-visual materials, music and found sound, encoded into vinyl records with accompanying text, ( and Nick completed a comics-based doctoral thesis at Teachers College, Columbia University, as an 'experiment in visual thinking’ (
They will be in conversation this Saturday 6 February from 11.30 at the Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow. 
Convenors The School of Education (Diarmuid McAuliffe) and School of Media, Culture and Society (Graham Jeffery) at University of the West of Scotland in collaboration with the CCA and Glasgow Museums.
Saturday, February 6, 2016 from 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM (GMT) WHERE
Centre for Contemporary Arts - 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow G2 3JD GB 

Last year's presentations.. (2015)

Put here just to keep track of them:

  • Performing Methodologies, CCA Glasgow, 26th November 2015
  • Making Theatre in the Age of Austerity, University of Manchester, November 4th 2015
  • Ways of Knowing in Neighbourhood Planning, University of Sheffield, 1st October 2015
  • Labour in Transition and Urban Transformations, University of Bath, 9th September 2015
  • Community Development Journal 50th Anniversary Conference, 1 - 3 July 2015, University of Edinburgh
  • IPSS Ayr, 23rd June 2015
  • The Image Event: What Happens When You Become the Story? CCA Glasgow, 19 - 20 June
  • AHRC Symposium on Utopias, Futures and Social Change, University of Bristol, 19th - 20th May 2015
  • Generation Media Startup 2015, 17 April 2015, Stuttgart City Hall
  • Lateral Thinking: the value of collaboration between the arts, health and environment, Glasgow, 9 April 2015
  • MECCSA 2015, University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, 7 - 9 January 2015