Keeping track of places/events where I contributed some kind of talk etc in 2017 - 2018:
AHRC/JPICH Workshop on Re-use and continued use of historic buildings, urban centres and landscapes, University of Leicester, 26th November 2018
AHRC Connected Communities: New Perspectives in Participatory Arts, UEA, Norwich, 22/23 May 2018
In Conversation with Henry Giroux: UWS, Paisley, 5th July 2017
Global Challenges Research Fund & Collaborative Research: an international symposium, UEA, Norwich, 6th June 2017
Then/Now, Glasgow Sculpture Studios, 9th December 2016
Pollinator or Parasite?, University of Glasgow, 6th Oct 2016
Celebration into Innovation, CapeUK, Leeds, 18th May 2016
Getting in on the Act, Acta Bristol, 18th March 2016
Troubling the Academic Thesis, CCA Glasgow, 6th February 2016